Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Click:Beans and Lentils

Panchameel dal

Like I mentioned in my earlier post that I was late to submit for RCI:Rajasthan. This photograph was taken just before I was getting ready to make the Rajasthani panchmeel dal for the RCI:Rajasthan event. Panchameel dal is made by using 5 different lentils. Urad, moong, toor, chana & whole moong dal. Of the photos that I clicked I have short-listed these two. As usual I can't make up my mind on which one to finalize. Since my husband was busy traveling, I took the help of my 4 year old to help me make up my mind...and she made it even harder for me to choose. She said that, "Mama, I like the red color in the top photo, but I like the flower pattern on the bottom one". AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!! So which one should I send?

So before it gets too late for - Click the food photography event that takes place every month by Bee and Jai. This month’s theme is beans and lentils. Click here to see my entry...