Monday, July 27, 2009

White chocolate and strawberry mousse

Whenever I have people over for a meal, I almost always end up making chocolate-based desserts. Last week we had some friends over for lunch and I made this dessert using fresh summer berries with of course, some chocolate! I've been meaning to make this ever since I read the recipe in this magazine. To read the story on how I got the magazine click here. The dessert was delicious. The strawberry coulis with sliced strawberries along with creamy white chocolate and strawberry flavor melts in your mouth. Hmm! I want more!

  • 750g/1lb 10oz strawberries + extra
  • 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • 250g/9oz good quality white chocolate, broken into pieces
  • 1tbsp white chocolate liqueur (optional - I didn't use)
  • 12g sachet powdered gelatine
  • 450ml/16fl oz double cream
  • 25g/10z icing/confectioners sugar

Place half the strawberries in a blender or food processor and puree until smooth. Pass the pureed strawberries through a fine sieve into a bowl, then add the lemon juice*. Slice the rest of the fruit and add to the puree.

Place the chocolate & chocolate liqueur if using, in a heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water, then leave for about 5 minutes, stirring from time to time, until melted. Meanwhile, sprinkle the gelatine over 50 ml water in a cup or small bowl and leave to soak for 5 minutes

Pour a quarter of the cream into a pan, add sugar, then warm gently. Add the soaked gelatine and stir for 5 minutes over a low heat until gelatine has dissolved- do not let the mixture boil.

Pour this cream mixture to the melted chocolate and stir until smooth. Add three -quarters of the strawberry puree. Pour the remaining cream into a bowl and whip until soft peaks form. Gradually fold the whipped cream into the chocolate and strawberry mixture.

Divide the mixture between 4 serving glasses**, then leave to chill for at least 2 hrs or overnight. Chill the remaining strawberry puree, too.

Spoon the remaining strawberry puree on top of each mousse and serve.

Note: *My strawberries were a little tart so I added few tbsps of icing/confectioners sugar.
**I got more then 4 serving glasses as I served them in smaller glasses.

The first picture is going to Click of Jugalbandi for their monthly food photography event. The theme is bi-color this month.

Recipe from BBC GoodFood Magazine.


Anonymous said...

This dessert looks so elegant and perfectly decadent! Very nice!

Mishmash ! said...

this is my kinda dessert....creamy and elegant....and ur first shot is so pretty!!!

Ria Mathew said...

Beautiful click and a perfect dessert for chocoholics like me... :)

First time here...came through CLICK! :)

Parita said...

Wow that looks so exotic!

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

very pretty and so tempting! a delicious combo!



Gera@SweetsFoodsBlog said...

Wow that looks positively sinful! A beautiful dessert and so adorable :)



Rajesh &Shankari said...

OMG..this looks like a dessert I can have as a main course

farida said...

Looks decadent! I am saving the recipe. Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Yummy.... i simply love anything with chocolate in it... and this looks absolutely delicious!!

Indian Khana said...

Looks gud...n nice click

Pam said... pretty and Congrats on the Foodie Blogroll!

Anonymous said...

this dessert looks absolutely divine! (: YUMS!

Anonymous said...

oh yes. hope you don't mind but i've linked you! (: